Clean Water

663 million people lack clean water in the world. 4,500 children die each day in Africa for lack of adequate sanitation. Millions of women and children have to walk hours to fetch water in buckets.
The Budapest-Bamako Rally helping by digging two wells in Gambia this year. Support our iniative and help us raise money to dig two wells so women and children can study and work instead of walking hours for clean water.

Support our rally team by donating as much as you can and be a part of this noble project. Wells will be dug in December in innagurated during the rally in January 2018.

The team that raises the most money wins this year’s coveted Mother Teresa Charity Award.

Now it’s final!

September 25th was an important milestone for us. Our Land Cruiser 100 is finally “baptized” (got it’s license plate), and is now ready for a dry run and preparations!

Countdown begins

OK, now it’s all starting to take shape. There is a lot going on forward from this day. Everything from arranging transport, flight tickets and all the details.
Also working on getting Sponsors.  We don’t necessarily need cash or freebies. Just to be able to buy to self-cost would help us tremendously. I hope there is some nice people out there.
The things we need the most are:

  • Dry food
  • Duffel Bags
  • Camping equipment (clothes, mosquito nets & repellent, utensils, etc)
  • Blue plastic jerry cans for water
  • Charging equipment

Today I ordered air time for the satellite phone, and registered the CB radio. One tick in the box!




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