This continent is so huge!

One of the prerequisites is to have a good old fashioned map. Opening it on the dining table just shows the size of Africa. One centimeter equals 40 km. We are going to drive more than 9000 km, which is 2,25 meters on the map. Should be done by lunch 🙂

Car fixing sunday

Today we spent the day fixing the electrical wiring and other maintenance tasks.

The previous owner was not on the cheap side regarding cable lengths, so a little bit of adjustment was done.

It looks good!

A lot of work still needs to be done, but we are preparing for a photo shoot on Tuesday. That is going to be very exciting, and we are  going to update you afterwards.


Today we had a little meeting going through all the papers and filling out the different forms. Everything from insurance to visa applications and FSR (Federation Senegalaise Des Rally). It would really helped to have had French instead of German in school for this.

Also don´t forget to help fund the wells that are to be dug in Gambia. We really need your help to raise the $8000 for the project. Link is in the previous post.

Clean Water

663 million people lack clean water in the world. 4,500 children die each day in Africa for lack of adequate sanitation. Millions of women and children have to walk hours to fetch water in buckets.
The Budapest-Bamako Rally helping by digging two wells in Gambia this year. Support our iniative and help us raise money to dig two wells so women and children can study and work instead of walking hours for clean water.

Support our rally team by donating as much as you can and be a part of this noble project. Wells will be dug in December in innagurated during the rally in January 2018.

The team that raises the most money wins this year’s coveted Mother Teresa Charity Award.

Now it’s final!

September 25th was an important milestone for us. Our Land Cruiser 100 is finally “baptized” (got it’s license plate), and is now ready for a dry run and preparations!

Countdown begins

OK, now it’s all starting to take shape. There is a lot going on forward from this day. Everything from arranging transport, flight tickets and all the details.
Also working on getting Sponsors.  We don’t necessarily need cash or freebies. Just to be able to buy to self-cost would help us tremendously. I hope there is some nice people out there.
The things we need the most are:

  • Dry food
  • Duffel Bags
  • Camping equipment (clothes, mosquito nets & repellent, utensils, etc)
  • Blue plastic jerry cans for water
  • Charging equipment

Today I ordered air time for the satellite phone, and registered the CB radio. One tick in the box!



Summer is over soon

The Autumn is closing in and things are starting to get serious. Andrew just wrote about the route being finalized. We have a lot to do, preparing both official and with the car. Plan is to drive from Oslo to Budapest during the Christmas Holidays. Park in a secure location,  then fly down for the race start. That means we have a hard deadline to pack, test, refit, retest and finalize the car. Not an easy task when everyone has so much else to do both professionally and privately. The biggest task at hand for the moment is to get the car on license plates. Once that is done we’ll start to update this page more regularly.

West Africa

Got this book at my Birthday. Was very surprised about the level of information in it. Good background info and some very useful traveltips. It is going to be very handy. Even got maps and vocabulary: مرحبا

For example, the nights in Morocco can be bitterly cold. The longer south, the better temperature.

Visiting a hammam (traditional bathhouse) is a ritual at the centre of Moroccan society. Every town has at least one public hammam, and the big cities have spas – both are deep-cleaning and relaxing. Nice!
Tipping and barganing are integral parts of Moroccon life. I guess we need to be well prepared with dirhams (Dh).