Scrutineering 1520

Waiting for scrutineering. This is a process we have to go through to make sure that we have all the equipment and tools necessary to do this trip. Then later today at 1900 there is a briefing at the hotel with the last updates. Tomorrow is the big day!

PS: Bjørn and I was able to fix the brake problems with a wooden stick while we are waiting for Anders.

Not the perfect start

I guess you are all wondering on how the arrival back in Budapest was, and why we did not update the Blog? First of, the trip went very smooth. The car was standing in the same spot we parked it before New Years eve, and we threw our bags in ready to gove. Bjørn turned the ignition key and the whole dashboard lighted up like a christmas tree with a high pitch background noice. What had happened?

We basically had no brakes. We went through the electrical system, fuses, relays etc. But all seemed to work properly. Everything had power. After a little while Bjørn diagnosed that it had to be the little electrical motor that drives the brake system pump that faulted.
Driving very slowly we came to the Toyota dealer, were fist of all they do not have the part and secondly it costs araound €2000,- which is totally out of the question. Bjørn and me tried to fix it until almost midnight yesterday on the parking lot of our Hotel. We will try some more today, but luckely Anders had not left Norway and had the part at home. He will arrive later today and we should be able to replace the faulty motor if we can’t make it work. If not we are basically stuck in Budapest.

Great News on the charity project

Great news, Our first well is 95% completed. They’ve reached water and are now putting cement around the well. Well ceremony will be held in the outside of Janjanbureh in Sankule Konda. We still need to raise money for the second well. Please help donating by using PayPal or Vipps to Bjørn, Anders or Torleif. Mark it with WellsOfAfrica.


The car is now parked at a secret location in Budapest. We are at the airport heading back to Oslo. See you all again in 12 days and may you have a lovely new year celebration.

Stage 0 – Day 3

Leaving Prague in a nice winter weather landscape. A little snow on the ground and -1C. We had to stop by ARB to pickup a tent we needed for the African adventure.

Estimated arrival time in Budapest is 14:30.

Instead of going on the highway, we took the backroads in Slovakia. What a nice view and trip it was. Unfortunately we spent som time to grab lunch in a town called Trnava. This was a very nice town that I would love to visit again. Had a very nice Christmas market that was closed? Maybe due to the fact the Christmas is passed?

On the border of Hungary there is a city with the name of Esztergom. It has the biggest Cathedral in the whole of Hungary. Well worth a visit as well. We didn’t stop so the best the picture I got was this:




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Stage 0 -Day 2 Cruising down Germany

Currently cruising down on the autobahn in Germany from Kiel to Prague. The GPS is tracking the route and will be posted once we reach our destination. The weather is nice and the fields are green. No snow here, as we heard some rumors that there is snowing back in Oslo. We are in good spirit, the car is working great and life is good.

[route-map id=378 params=0 topinfo=0 showtravelmode=0 showtitle=0 graph=1]


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